Saturday, January 26, 2019

Begin again?

Wow it’s been along time since I posted!  Actually I really kind of forgot I had a blog. I guess they don’t go away with inactivity. That’s good in a way, it’s been interesting to review the past. And sad too because even with my good intentions I’m pretty much in the same place with my house and quilting. That doesn’t mean there haven’t been changes...

Let’s see...the last post was the start of the Grand Allusion mystery. I didn’t keep up with it as intended, but that was a blessing of sorts. I really didn’t like the outcome on that quilt so I was able to adapt mine to a smaller version with some changes. It’s still a UFO...what a surprise...but it’s in the TBQ que.

The clutter around my house in general has lessened a bit. I participated in the challenge of 2017 and 2018 to rid myself of 2017 and 2018 items respectively. I was able to accomplish that and beyond and I can tell that there is some more space but there is still way too much stuff!  Especially when it comes to my quilting. My space is so crowded I do not like being in it and therefore have done very little sewing at home over the past several years. The sewing I do is limited to my quilt group meetings twice a month or so and quilt retreats, about 3 per year. Fairly stagnant I would say. I have slowed the acquisition pace, thank goodness!

Am I going to resume blogging?  I think I’ll give it a try. Having just retired a few months ago this is going to be a year of transitions. It will be a journal of the progress and I hope motivation to be mindful through the changes.

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